Woman unconscious after punch by celebrity trainer

Mike Heatlie attacked Fiona McCartney. Picture: Kenny SmithMike Heatlie attacked Fiona McCartney. Picture: Kenny Smith
Mike Heatlie attacked Fiona McCartney. Picture: Kenny Smith
A PERSONAL trainer to the stars has admitted a brutal attack which has left a woman needing dental surgery.

Mike Heatlie, who counts superstar Gwen Stefani among his clients, punched legal worker Fiona McCartney so hard she lost a front tooth and then left her lying in a pool of blood.

His traumatised 43-year-old victim, a PA for a top legal firm, has revealed she is now frightened to go out and is facing a dental bill of more than £7000.

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Heatlie, once named Scotland’s fifth most eligible bachelor, pleaded guilty at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on March 13 and is due to appear again on April 22 for sentencing.

Fiona McCartney was assaulted. Picture: CompFiona McCartney was assaulted. Picture: Comp
Fiona McCartney was assaulted. Picture: Comp

Speaking out about the attack for the first time, Miss McCartney, of Greenbank, said: “I used to love going out on Saturday nights.

“But since the attack I have been very wary and like to be home by a certain time.

“I don’t like to go out to nightclubs now and I get very panicky in crowds after this unprovoked attack.

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“I’m on sleeping tablets from a doctor because I don’t sleep at all. I still have this constant reminder and feel I can’t move on because I still have the injuries from that night. I’m reminded every day of this attack.”

Miss McCartney said Heatlie, of Western Harbour Breakwater, approached her and a friend outside The Jam House on Queen Street in the early hours of March 29 last year to ask for a cigarette.

When told they didn’t have one, he launched the violent assault which left her bleeding and unconscious. It is understood he than ran off only to be apprehended by one of several witnesses.

Miss McCartney still suffers from numbness and aching in her mouth, and faces months of costly and painful dental work.

Heatlie, 42, admitted a charge of assault causing injury.

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Speaking from abroad, he said: “This was an unfortunate incident that occurred last year. I have been in touch with Ms McCartney and the situation is now very amicable and both parties I’m sure would like to move on from it.”

In an earlier text message that Miss McCartney claimed had been sent to her partner by Heatlie, he wrote: “Please pass on my sincerest apologies to your partner Fiona, I wanted to get in touch but obviously couldn’t with the case proceedings.

“I pleaded with my lawyer to make sure that this was settled so that Fiona wouldn’t have to attend court. This incident, that I have virtually no memory of, has turned my life upside down and I can’t imagine how it has impacted Fiona’s. I am so sorry, this is completely out of character for me, I’ve never been involved in a violent incident in my adult life.”

The fitness guru, who opened his own studio in Meadowbank six years ago, helped former No Doubt singer Stefani get into shape ahead of her 2009 concerts, prompting the superstar to describe him as the “Superman of my tour”.

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In a testimonial on Heatlie’s website, she said: “Mike Heatlie and I have been working together on and off since 1997.

“Mike is completely passionate about health and fitness and is a wonderful motivator.”

Expert in the gym

Mike Heatlie opened his fitness studio at Meadowbank in 2009, days before jetting off to Los Angeles to knock Gwen Stefani into shape ahead of her tour.

According to Mr Heatlie’s own website, he is “one of the world’s leading personal trainers” with “outstanding credentials”.

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He started working in the fitness industry in 1989, and became a personal trainer in 1995. The website adds that he has “accumulated qualifications that few can boast”, including two Masters degrees and a Bachelors degree “with the highest honours” in Sport and Exercise Science.

During his time as a trainer in Los Angeles he met stars including Cuba Gooding Jnr, Alice Cooper and Mike Tyson.

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