Hibs' Paul Heckingbottom: Gary Holt has no evidence to back up Scott Allan 'cheat' claims

Paul Heckingbottom has dismissed Gary Holt's claims that Scott Allan dived to win a penaltyPaul Heckingbottom has dismissed Gary Holt's claims that Scott Allan dived to win a penalty
Paul Heckingbottom has dismissed Gary Holt's claims that Scott Allan dived to win a penalty
Heckingbottom dismisses Holt gripe about penalty

Hibs head coach Paul Heckingbottom claims Livingston counterpart Gary Holt has no evidence to back up his accusations that Easter Road playmaker Scott Allan cheated to win a penalty in the 2-2 draw between the two sides on Wednesday night.

Holt blasted the former Celtic midfielder, saying: "Simulation, cheating, a dive - use whatever words you like to describe what that was."

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But Heckingbottom has defended his player, as well as pointing out that the West Lothian side were lucky to escape red cards on two occasions.

"[Gary Holt] has got better eyes than me," Heckingbottom said. "He has some camera that we've never seen.

"I could go back to where there's absolutely no debate, black-and-white decisions for us that we haven't got. There were also two instances in that game that should have been red cards for them, which weren't. Look at them.

"If that's how we want to debrief games - going over 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' - we can do, but I'm more bothered about what we can do to change. It's not my job to look after referees.

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"I could be looking at Marv's tackle first half, Marv's elbow first half. It's not going to get me the three points we deserve.

"So I don't worry too much about that at all. And no-one can show me that it wasn't a penalty."