"Make him train on his own"; "A valuable asset" – fans react to Florian Kamberi's potential Hibs return

The imminent return of Florian Kamberi is a hot topic among Hibs fans. Photo by Ross Parker / SNS Group.The imminent return of Florian Kamberi is a hot topic among Hibs fans. Photo by Ross Parker / SNS Group.
The imminent return of Florian Kamberi is a hot topic among Hibs fans. Photo by Ross Parker / SNS Group. | Other 3rd Party
Mixed views but majority against striker remaining at club

HIBS fans have been reacting to the news that Florian Kamberi is set to return to the club for pre-season training next week ahead of the new Scottish Premiership season potentially starting on August 1st.

The Swiss-born striker damaged his relationship with the Easter Road support when he described his January loan transfer to Rangers as a "dream move" and indicated that he saw his future at Ibrox despite still having a year remaining on his Hibs contract.

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There is interest in the 25-year-old from a variety of clubs across Europe, but as things stand, Kamberi will be reporting to the East Mains training base to join the rest of the Hibs squad for pre-season training on Monday.

The reaction of fans on social media would suggest that there are mixed views about the prospect of Kamberi pulling on a Hibs strip next season, albeit with the majority appearing to be against the idea.

Callum Sutherland posted, "I hope we make him train on his own", while another fan, Peter Henderson, took a more positive view, saying: "Brilliant to have him back and hopefully firing on all cylinders sooner rather than later. Hopefully he’ll be a valuable asset to Hibs going forward."

In reply, Patrick Vaughan posted: "I’ll be surprised if he plays again sadly! I’m a big fan of him, his comments have led to the trap door unfortunately. A waste of potentially a really good player, Hibs could have profited well from him, now they will just unload him."

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Isla Smith said she "cannot wait to boo every touch he takes lol" with Matthew Ross adding, "he’ll never be back in a Hibs jersey if the management has any respect for the badge."

Stephen Grant predicts that Jack Ross won't want to play the striker, stating: "I don't think the manager will let him anywhere near the first team" while Fergus McLouis Boyle added: "Hibs don't want him and he doesn't want to be at ER. So best for all for him to go but at a price."

Stephen Millar pointed out that the prospect of empty stadiums for the start of next season could work in Kamberi's favour, saying: "Games being played behind closed doors will suit him, no fans there to remind him he isn't wanted."

Martin Bell also added: "Could be clever on Hibs part. Get goals from him when no fans are in the ground so no booing him then wont impact the team and in turn we get goals and he’s in the shop window ready to punt him when fans are allowed back in the grounds."