Edinburgh Theatre Arts look tears and cheers

ETA Spring Show
the Memory of WaterETA Spring Show
the Memory of Water
ETA Spring Show the Memory of Water
THERE will be tears of grief and tears of laughter when Edinburgh Theatre Arts take to the stage of St Ninian's Church Hall, Comely Bank, next week in Shelagh Stephenson's acclaimed play The Memory of Water.

Three sisters gather at the family home for their mother’s funeral.

The situation provokes grief, nostalgia and the picking of old family wounds.

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Throw in a husband, a lover and appearances from the dead mother herself, and you have a recipe for a potent emotional mix.

Questions are addressed: Who looked after their mother most in her later years?

Who should be the one to get her engagement ring?

And who was it that was sick behind the television some twenty years ago?

As old memories are challenged, old arguments replayed and future relationships tested, tensions rise, whisky is drunk and emotions are laid bare.

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Director Colin McPherson observes, “Shelagh Stephenson’s script manages that rare combination of poignant drama and hilarious comedy.

“The situation is one we can all relate to.

“The ties of family relationships past and present run deep in everyone and the laughs come mainly at our recognition of real characters experiencing memories, arguments and decisions familiar to us all.”

So the advice from Edinburgh Theatre Arts and their director is simple: “Turn off the telly for a night and come and experience the laughter and tears of this award winning play in the intimate atmosphere of St Ninian’s Hall.”

The Memory of Water, St Ninian’s Hall, Comely Bank, next Monday-Saturday, 7.30pm (Saturday matinee 2.30pm), £12, 07599-928440

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