Snapshot: Amy Drummond, performer

Date of birth: 13/09/84

Occupation: Performer.

What school did you attend? Craigmount High School.

What sort of pupil were you? Well, I couldn’t do maths to save my life, but in general a pretty good one I think... until I discovered boys.

What was your first job? In the lingerie department of BHS when I was 15, where I got to make Tannoy announcements.

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Three words that sum up my personality are... passionate, creative and opinionated

Favourite place in the world? My bed.

Three places in Edinburgh I could not live without are... The Outsider Restaurant. The Traverse Theatre. Princes Street Gardens.

Who is your best friend? My mum.

Which TV show do you never miss? Made in Chelsea.

If you could bring one show to Edinburgh what would it be? Post Restante by The Secret Agents.

Name one item you not live without? house keys.

By what ethos do you live your life? “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today. Thanks James Dean.” I wish that were true.

Chow Mein/Hex, Traverse Theatre, Cambridge Street, March 8-10, 8pm, £15, 0131-228 1404