Theatre review: The Hand Me Down People, C Nova

CHILDREN have moved on. They no longer play with toy dolls as video games have replaced them. But what about those unloved figurines left gathering dust on the shelf? Well, they have feelings, too, you know.

Condemned to re-enact their owner’s old stories (he’s a big boy now), tempers are frayed and frustration has taken its toll. The piper has lost his princess, the witch can’t stand the fairy any longer, and the ogre is failing to make it with the new, long-legged doll.

The only way out is suicide, and that means jumping off the shelf.

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A great concept let down by a limp storyline, the majority of this 50-minute production is beset by constant arguing that ultimately leads nowhere.

In some ways, it’s a tale about the ageing process. But without depth and meaning, it’s all too superficial to get emotionally involved. One toy story best left on the shelf.

Rating: **

• Until August 27