These eerie pictures show Edinburgh’s deserted streets that would usually be full of revellers and party goers toasting the new year.
Coronavirus restrictions do not allow large gatherings outside, nor do they allow households to mix indoors.
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. Untitled design - 2021-01-01T093041.896.jpg
Photo credit: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire Photo: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

. Princes Street
A quiet Princes Street in Edinburgh at midnight, people are urged to avoid Hogmanay celebrations in the midst of tough coronavirus restrictions.Photo credit: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire Photo: Andrew Milligan

. Princes Street
No Hogmanay party this year... Picture Credit: Andrew Milligan Photo: Andrew Milligan

. The Mound
A rainbow remains lit up on the Mound. Photo credit: Andrew Milligan Photo: Andrew Milligan

. Princes Street
Police patrol a quiet Princes Street. Photo credit: Andrew Milligan Photo: Andrew Milligan

1. Princes Street
A quiet Princes Street in Edinburgh at midnight, people are urged to avoid Hogmanay celebrations in the midst of tough coronavirus restrictions.Photo credit: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire Photo: Andrew Milligan

2. Princes Street
No Hogmanay party this year... Picture Credit: Andrew Milligan Photo: Andrew Milligan

3. The Mound
A rainbow remains lit up on the Mound. Photo credit: Andrew Milligan Photo: Andrew Milligan

4. Princes Street
Police patrol a quiet Princes Street. Photo credit: Andrew Milligan Photo: Andrew Milligan