Plenty of us decided to welcome new four-legged friends into our homes in the last few years – according to Kennel Club figures dog ownership has soared to record levels.
There are a whopping 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, alongside numerous crossbreeds, so there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest addition.
Those with active lifestyles might want to consider a larger dog, while somebody with allergies will be looking for a hypoallergenic dog. There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.
One thing worth considering before making a decision is that certain breeds of dog are pretty quick on their feet – perfect for more active families with a garden that can double as a canine athletic track and who want a four-legged running companion that will never tire of adventures. Meanwhile, at the other end of the scale there are the dogs that can barely be bothered to get off the couch unless it’s an emergency – and even then they’ll take their time over it.
So, here are the 10 fastest and slowest breeds of dog.
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Those with active lifestyles might want to consider a larger dog, while somebody with allergies will be looking for a hypoallergenic dog. There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.