These are the 10 most expensive breeds of cat.These are the 10 most expensive breeds of cat.
These are the 10 most expensive breeds of cat.

Expensive Cats: These are the 10 most costly breeds of loving cat - including the pricey Lykoi

Pet ownership has soared over the global pandemic, with an estimated 11 per cent of UK homes having taken on new animals each year.

Pet Food Manufacturers' Association (PFMA) chiefs say this means that the UK now has 17 million pet-owning homes, with the majority owning either a cat or a dog – or both.

There are now around 12million pet cats in the UK, with a whole range of breeds prized by feline fans.

But some cats are more in demand than others, and due to inceased demand prices have soared over the last couple of years.

Here are the 10 most expense breeds according to

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