Say hello to some of the city’s newest residents in part four of our lockdown babies photo special. Catch up on part one, part two, part three and keep your eyes peeled for part five...

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Many babies have been born during lockdown in Edinburgh and the Lothians Photo: UGC

. Keeva and Freya Pattison
Twins Keeva and Freya were born to mum Hayley on 4 April 2020 - five weeks early Photo: UGC

. Harris Perry
Harris was born via C-section on 21 May 2020 to mum Kirsty and dad Andrew, a wee brother for Mila and Max Photo: UGC

. Grace Pettie
Baby Grace Joanne Lynsey Pettie was born on 1 April 2020 to proud parents Danielle and Alex Photo: UGC

. Ajày Philip
This little trooper is Ajày, born on 2 April. He spent nine days in SCBU at St John's Hospital before getting home but needed surgery at the Sick Kids just weeks later - a lot for mum Marina to tell him when he's older! Photo: UGC

. Zara Pickup
Zara Emile Pickup was born on 4 May. Mum Jess is looking forward to introducing Zara to the rest of her family Photo: UGC

. Emily Grace Pont
Little Emily was born on 11 April. Mum Amy says she was scared when dad Connor had to leave but paid tribute to the NHS staff for being 'absolutely amazing' Photo: UGC

. Archie Pow
Baby Archie was born to mum Shaunna and dad Stuart on 25 May 2020. Shaunna suffered a few post-natal complications and said she wouldn't have got through it without the incredible midwives. She added: "They deserve all the gratitude we can give" Photo: UGC

. Oliver Pugh
Oliver was born to parents Rebekka and Scott at 4am on 1 April weighing 9lbs 8.5oz. Mum Rebekka was diagnosed with Covid-19 during labour but recovered well Photo: UGC

1. Keeva and Freya Pattison
Twins Keeva and Freya were born to mum Hayley on 4 April 2020 - five weeks early Photo: UGC

2. Harris Perry
Harris was born via C-section on 21 May 2020 to mum Kirsty and dad Andrew, a wee brother for Mila and Max Photo: UGC

3. Grace Pettie
Baby Grace Joanne Lynsey Pettie was born on 1 April 2020 to proud parents Danielle and Alex Photo: UGC

4. Ajày Philip
This little trooper is Ajày, born on 2 April. He spent nine days in SCBU at St John's Hospital before getting home but needed surgery at the Sick Kids just weeks later - a lot for mum Marina to tell him when he's older! Photo: UGC