If there is one thing we miss about the 1990s (and there’s definitely more than just one), it's the school dinners.
Now that we are the grown ups we always wished to be, we can’t help but feel nostalgic for our childhoods and especially the delicious meals and treats we’d enjoy in the cafeteria at school during lunch time.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane as we look back at the iconic, yummy food we used to eat on a school dinner time.
This list includes those that are long gone (we’ll never forget you Turkey Twizzlers), and others that we can still get our hands on today.
Here are the 7 most nostalgic school dinner classics that you’ll remember if you grew up in the 1990s.
1. Jam roly-poly
Jam roly-poly is a traditional British pudding which is made from a flat-rolled suet pudding spread with jam and then steamed or baked. It is usually served with custard. (Photo: cdkproductions - stock.adobe.com) | cdkproductions - stock.adobe.com

2. Sprinkle Sponge Cake
Sprinkle sponge cake is exactly what it sounds like, a sponge cake topped with a sprinkle coated icing. Although a fairly dry sponge, the dessert was loved by many, with many bakeries across the UK bringing the nostalgic pudding back. (Photo: fahrwasser - stock.adobe.com) | fahrwasser - stock.adobe.com

3. Square Mini Pizzas
There was just something so exciting about eating a square-shaped pizza rather than the usual triangle slice. At school in the 1990s, the pizza toppings were usually margherita or pepperoni, and they were absolutely delicious. (Photo: Randall - stock.adobe.com) | Randall - stock.adobe.com

4. Turkey Twizzlers
Turkey Twizzlers are fried, spiralled strips of meat. They were incredibly popular among school children. However, after celebrity chef Jamie Oliver campaigned for healthier food in schools, the processed meat was stopped from being served to youngsters. A new and improved version of Turkey Twizzlers was released by Bernard Matthews and is sold in ASDA. (Photo: philip kinsey - stock.adobe.com) | philip kinsey - stock.adobe.com