Edinburgh Council’s city mobility plan - your views online

"Edinburgh can be a shining example of how to create a cleaner, healthier transport system” – Lesley Macinnes

City Mobility Plan

Edinburgh Council’s transport and environment committee is this week debating the city mobility plan.

Craig Lennox

Spend years making greenways and bus priority lanes to speed up journey times to encourage people out of cars and onto buses and now gradually take them away and narrow the already congested streets with pop-up cycle lanes. It makes no sense. Wait until our charming youths find out these black and white posts can be unscrewed and used as weapons or to throw at vehicles.

Laura Gilbert

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For ‘extensive consultation across the city’ read ‘extensive consultation with the cycling lobby’. Also, in case the masses object, let’s introduce it without public consultation using the emergency Covid legislation.

Justin Taylor Mackenzie

I think the headline needs a slight rework: Edinburgh COULD have been a shining example of how to create a cleaner, healthier transport system had it not been for the incompetence of those is charge, but instead it’s being turned into a joke and a lesson in what not to do.

George Bathgate

There are potholes on every road in Edinburgh. Knocking hell out of the vehicles. We have the 20mph zones most vehicles have to be in third gear to stick to that speed wasting fuel. Why are we paying road tax. I know most of it goes down south. I was under the impression that we paid it to upkeep the roads. What a joke!

Bob Leponge

MacInnes and her cronies are destroying an entire woodland of 862 trees in Dalry, an act of extreme environmental vandalism. Nothing but lies and hypocrisy from these people.

Graeme McLachlan

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Here is a choice – get rid of this incompetent council and elect one that works for ALL residents regardless of their mode of transport.

Margaret Ferguson Burns

It could be, and very simply - first repair the roads for everyone; separate pedestrians, cyclists and motorised vehicles where possible; remove obstacles which are a trip hazard to the first two; good signage...

Giuseppe Riesi

I don't understand this obsession. It’s a fact that Edinburgh has narrow roads and you can't change that if you close the city centre. How do these people want you to end up with a clear city centre and three or four times the congestion in the suburbs?

Michelle Paterson

Put passenger trains back on the electrified Edinburgh suburban line.

Tom MacDonald

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Worst is we are all talking about traffic and with the motorist and cyclist the pawns on the council chessboard, yet huge sections of Edinburgh Greenbelt are being handed to house builders. These estates are so tight with so many houses that there’s some without street pavements! All houses have driveways for two cars though! It’s classic deflection – focus on the evil car and people won’t notice how dead our city is without tourists, how many Airbnb flats lie empty or notice our build, build, build policy!

Michael Mason

When you build all these new developments, do like the public have been telling you – develop the infrastructure not lessen it.

Lioslaith Rose

It's about transporting tourists into a city for tourists and that's all. If the Plunderbelly profits stayed here it wouldn't be so bad, but those profits go to offshore accounts of a rich elite. Why not be a shining light to social or health reform and pay for our Eye Pavilion – I'm sure the site alone is worth more than enough to build a new pavilion further out, for instance?

David McGrath

The money invested in the tram system could have funded free bus travel for all lasting decades - how many cars would that have taken off the road? How much upheaval and pollution would that have avoided? We already have the infrastructure, hybrid vehicles technology is moving along at a phenomenal pace now and if need be you can divert buses in the event of any issues.

Darren Ainslie

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Ban all councillors from having anything to do with it, because every time they have an idea they make it worse!

Alex Monaghan

“Inequalities” - does Macinnes mean spending money on transporting tourists to and from the airport instead of using funds to create a transport link to the ERI?

John Innes

If the population is growing, build businesses where the people are, rather than dragging them into the congested city centre.

Stuart Young

Would be better with fewer empty buses going around holding up traffic.