IN terms of brand loyalty, he’s the purrfect customer.

Whether he’s snoozing in a shopping trolley or lazing in a wheelchair, a Garfield-like moggy is earning celebrity status among the faithful clientele at Asda, The Jewel for his drowsy demeanour.

The lazy ginger pet has been an almost daily visitor to the store for nearly a year and his popularity has spawned a Facebook page called Asda Cat, attracting 280 subscribers.

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Members post pictures of the cat, called Pixie, in various sluggish poses or unlikely scrapes. One sees him sprawled out in a cardboard display box while another shows him jammed up inside the undercarriage of a parked car.

But the most common image is of Pixie taking a seat around the foyer or trolley area, with a particular penchant for baskets.

It is understood he may have stumbled upon a hot air vent positioned near his favourite haunt at the trolley collection point.

Other than careless drivers, the only hazard the adorable moggy faces is from being packed off to the cat and dog home by strangers mistaking him for a stray.

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John Boswell, 23, said he created the Asda Cat page “purely for a laugh” but was surprised at how popular it had become.

“I live and work close by so I’m in Asda nearly every day,” he said. “It was Christmas when I first saw the cat there, keeping warm in the foyer, and was quite taken aback. I started taking pictures because no-one would believe me but then people started posting more pictures and it grew from there.

“We’ve now seen it relaxing in a wheelchair, sitting in the basket, hiding under a table and even halfway up a Christmas tree at one point.

“He’s mostly seen in the foyer where they have a picnic table and benches in the summer, or wheelchairs there for disabled customers. He’s definitely lazy and is always sleeping or waiting for you to come and pet him.”

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Mr Boswell, from Niddrie, said Pixie’s new-found popularity has seen him struggling with his weight recently because his many admirers often leave him little treats when leaving the store.

One online post by Jennifer Loy, who is believed to be Pixie’s owner and lives near The Jewel, said: “You are getting very fat, im gonna be in trouble at vets next week!”

Asked why the cat is such a familiar face at The Jewel, Mr Boswell said: “It’s a good- looking cat and gets lots of attention and that’s what it likes.”

An Asda spokeswoman said: “Pixie is quite an independent moggy who tends to turn up when he pleases and enjoy a cat nap outside the store.

“Our customers and colleagues are always happy to see him.”

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