Hibs have brought in a number if excellent loan signings in recent season. Picture: SNSHibs have brought in a number if excellent loan signings in recent season. Picture: SNS
Hibs have brought in a number if excellent loan signings in recent season. Picture: SNS | Other 3rd Party

14 of the best Hibs loan signings since 2000

A look back at the Easter Road club’s best hits in the loan market

The loan market has been an interesting avenue for Hibs. For a number of years, the signing of Leigh Griffiths aside, it wasn’t the most fruitful area for recruitment. However, in recent years it has proved to be an excellent route to bring in a range of talented individuals.

On top of that, what Hibs have done recently is very shrewd, bringing in players and giving them a platform to shine before making the deal permanent or doing enough to convince these stars to return.

Click and scroll through to see 14 players who made an indelible mark during their time at Easter Road.