How did the Edinburgh trio do for average attendances across the season. Picture: SNSHow did the Edinburgh trio do for average attendances across the season. Picture: SNS
How did the Edinburgh trio do for average attendances across the season. Picture: SNS | Other 3rd Party

How do Hearts, Hibs and Edinburgh City's average attendances compare to league rivals - ranked

A look at how the Edinburgh trio compared to SPFL rivals in terms of average attendances following the season’s conclusion

Now that the Scottish Premiership has been concluded for the season with Celtic champions and Hearts dropping into the Championship it means the 2019/2020 SPFL campaign has been finalised.

It will now allow for prize money to be distributed, awards handed out and reviews of the past season to take place. But what of attendances? Which sides placed where for their average attendance? Was there large increases or decreases compared to last season?

Click and scroll through to find out and see how Hearts, Hibs and Edinburgh City ranked within the SPFL for average attendance.