Scottish-Portuguese musician reveals her alter-ego SHHE at Summerhall

AT SUMMERHALL on Thursday 23 January there’s a chance to meet SHHE, the alter-ego of Scottish-Portuguese musician, artist and producer Su Shaw, whose self-titled debut album tracks a period of intense personal change.

The resulting record is a sparse, haunting and atmospheric journey of introspection and exploration of identity that demonstrates SHHE’s ability to capture movement, change and the light and darkness that haunt the human condition. As she puts it, “Each song on the album is questioning identity, but under guises and levels.”

To question her identity, SHHE had to deconstruct hers. This involved leaving her life in Fife, including her relationship, and relocating across the River Tay. Moving to Dundee, SHHE found herself in the company of creatives who helped her widen her artistic vision. It was important that her music was created in isolation.

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“I needed to go through that exercise of recording the album alone,” she explains. “Up until that point, I had been a real perfectionist. But if you’re always striving for perfection, you’ll never finish anything. I needed to put myself through that process.”

Goodnight LouisaGoodnight Louisa
Goodnight Louisa

The album, which SHHE will be promoting on Thursday, was also impacted by her time in Iceland, where she began work on a project that explores the connection between sound, landscape and sleep. This experience, paired with her time spent growing up in the forests of Fife, gave the album a sonically sparse soundscape.

The album is an encapsulation of Shaw’s breath-taking gift for wrapping carefully constructed electronic soundscapes around delicate yet self-assured vocals - lilting melodies that linger long after they are heard.

SHHE has found herself on the precipice of unlimited creativity and she’s ready to dive in head first. Her self-titled debut album is only the beginning of a journey.

Support act on the night will be local dark pop artist Goodnight Louisa.

SHHE, Summerhall, tonight, 7pm, £10,