With this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe now a distant memory, we looked back at the photos we asked you to send in of famous people you spotted in the Capital this August.
And you didn’t disappoint, sending us great photos of starts of TV and film including Ewan McGregor, Ed Byrne, Jimmy Carr, Frank Skinner and Clive Anderson. Other celebrities spotted in Edinburgh during the Fringe included MP Mhairi Black, comedian David Baddiel and actor Martin Compston.

5. Clive Anderson
English television and radio presenter, comedy writer, and former barrister Clive Anderson was spotted in Edinburgh by Susan Fildes, who said: "When Clive met Susie." Photo: Susan Fildes

6. Mhairi Black
Carol Sutherland sent us this photo of SNP MP Mhairi Black at the Fringe last Monday. The MP, who is famous for not mincing her words, is due to stand down at the next General Election, citing the toxic atmosphere at Westminster as her main reason for leaving Parliament. Photo: Carol Sutherland

7. Lee Kyle
English comedian Lee Kyle was spotted in Edinburgh this month by Cal Halbert, who said: "I met South Tyneside’s Teenage Rock and Roll Machine Lee Kyle!" Photo: Cal Halbert

8. David Baddiel
Comedian, actor and writer David Baddiel was maybe in town this month to catch up with old Fantasy Football and Three Lions friend Frank Skinner. Elizabeth Triantafillou said: "I saw him in the Mosque Kitchen cafe, had a wee chat with him, found him quite pleasant." He was also spotted in Edinburgh by Lee Picken, who said: "I walked past him a couple of hours ago at George Square Gardens." Photo: Ian Rutherford