Set almost 200 years before Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon focuses on the messy lives of Daenerys Targaryen’s ancestors. The multi-million pound HBO show premiered on Sky on August 22, and, like its predecessor, its cast is packed with talented British actors. Here’s who the most recognisable ones are, the characters they play, and where you might have seen them before.
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Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones prequel series (HBO) Photo: HBO
. Paddy Considine
Paddy Considine, who plays King Viserys Targaryen, was also DS Andy Wainwright in Hot Fuzz - one of the two Andes who picked on Nicholas Angel. He's also performed in Peaky Blinders as the sinister Father John Hughes, and was journalist Simon Ross in The Bourne Ultimatum. Photo: House of the Dragon / Hot Fuzz
. Matt Smith
Matt Smith plays Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon, the villainous Rogue Prince who spends his time either in brothels or committing acts of violence. But he's best known for a completely different role as the Eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who. Photo: House of the Dragon/ Doctor Who
. Rhys Ifans
Rhys Ifans plays the cunning and serious Hand of the King Otto Hightower in House of the Dragon. But his breakout role was as Hugh Grant's annoying roommate, Spike, in Notting Hill. He's also played Xenophilius Lovegood in Harry Potter, and The Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man. Photo: House of the Dragon/ Notting Hill
1. Paddy Considine
Paddy Considine, who plays King Viserys Targaryen, was also DS Andy Wainwright in Hot Fuzz - one of the two Andes who picked on Nicholas Angel. He's also performed in Peaky Blinders as the sinister Father John Hughes, and was journalist Simon Ross in The Bourne Ultimatum. Photo: House of the Dragon / Hot Fuzz
2. Matt Smith
Matt Smith plays Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon, the villainous Rogue Prince who spends his time either in brothels or committing acts of violence. But he's best known for a completely different role as the Eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who. Photo: House of the Dragon/ Doctor Who
3. Rhys Ifans
Rhys Ifans plays the cunning and serious Hand of the King Otto Hightower in House of the Dragon. But his breakout role was as Hugh Grant's annoying roommate, Spike, in Notting Hill. He's also played Xenophilius Lovegood in Harry Potter, and The Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man. Photo: House of the Dragon/ Notting Hill
4. Graham McTavish
Scottish actor Graham McTavish plays Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Ser Harold Westerling in the show. He's previously starred in The Hobbit films as Dwalin and in Outlander as Dougal MacKenzie, where he became good friends with Jamie Fraser actor Sam Heughan. Photo: HOTD/Outlander Starz