In the grand finale of the hit BBC Scotland show – to be screened on Monday (June 26) – the judges must decide which of the six regional finalists will be crowned as Scotland’s Home of the Year 2023.
Over the course of the series, interior designers Anna Campbell Jones and Banjo Beale have travelled the country alongside architect and lecturer Michael Angus on the hunt for this year's winner.
It’s now a six-house race for the title, with The Old Train House in Edinburgh up against properties in Aberdeenshire, Perthshire, Peebles, Skye and Glasgow.
A Victorian renovation in the Leith area of the Capital, The Old Train House is attractive property is home to Christina, husband Ben, daughter Vesper and Watson the dog. A former train station, the boarded up building laid empty for 10 years before the couple transformed it into a family home.
Inside, the homeowners’ eclectic tastes can be seen as well as their desire to be sustainable with second hand furnishing adorning the three levels. There are nods to the building’s past including graffiti on the exterior garden walls, giving it a unique style.
Take a look through our photo gallery to see inside The Old Train House – plus the other five homes that made the final.
Scotland’s Home of the Year The Final will be broadcast on BBC One Scotland on June 26 at 8.30pm.