The dead minke whale which was washed up on the beach at North Berwick on Wednesday, April 19, has now been taken away.
The huge 31ft mammal was spotted by a boat taking tourists from North Berwick for a trip around the Isle of May. It was identified and tracked by Scottish Seabird Centre staff and a volunteer from Whale and Dolphin Conservation as it drifted east down the Firth of Forth until it washed up on the town’s West Bay beach.
On Friday morning, the area around the whale was cordoned off by police as workers used lifting equipment to put the carcass in the back of a lorry before it was driven away. A spokesman for East Lothian Council said: "The surface sand has been raked over but the advice to visitors is to avoid this area, including keeping dogs away, until after this afternoon's high tide which will wash away any remaining debris."

. Washed up
The common minke whale was first spotted by a boat taking tourists from North Berwick for a trip around the Isle of May. Photo: Jane Barlow

. View from above
The area around the whale was cordoned off by police as the carcass was removed. Workers used lifting equipment to get it into the back of a lorry. Photo: Jane Barlow

. Mink whale
A dead minke whale which washed up on the West Bay beach in North Berwick, East Lothian, on Wednesday. Photo: Jane Barlow/PA Wire

5. Stench in the streets
People reported smelling the stench of the dead whale several streets away from the beach front. Photo: Jane Barlow

6. A sad sight
Susan Davies, chief executive of the nearby Scottish Seabird Centre, said staff were all sad to see the whale washed up on the beach. Photo: Jane Barlow

7. Experts informed
The stranding was reported to the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Service Scheme, which collates and analyses all reports of stranded cetaceans and can carry out autopsies to understand more about the health and ecology of the animals. Photo: Jane Barlow

8. Common on west coast
Common minke whales are the smallest of all baleen whales,. It is not unusual for several to be found in close proximity to each other in feeding grounds off the west coast of Scotland, but they are also happy in their own company. Photo: Jane Barlow