Talk of the Town: Cameo’s publicity doesn’t lack polish

IT’S one for the diehards of cult cinema at the place that best suits their needs.

While fans of the Jay and Silent Bob series of adventures have been chuckling to themselves as they pass the Cameo in Bread Street, others have merely raised an eyebrow and strolled on.

Paying homage to the 1994 Kevin Smith comedy Clerks, the sign “I assure you we’re open” sees cinema bosses make light of their dodgy shutter.

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Whether or not the sign’s been written in shoe polish as in the movie, we’re not certain, but it’s definitely made its mark.

Brown’s broadside goes back to student roots

GORDON Brown did not hold back in his evidence to the Leveson inquiry yesterday about his feelings towards the media and the way it treated him and his family.

But the former PM told the probe his reflections on media ethics – and how to avoid conflating fact and opinion – went back to the late 1960s, when he was editor of the student newspaper at Edinburgh University.

“I used to discuss this with Kenneth Allsop, who was rector of the university and one of the greatest journalists of his time,” he said.

Remote and in control

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JUST in case dad hasn’t dropped a gentle reminder or a dozen yet, it’s Father’s Day on Sunday. Socks and football DVDs will be getting wrapped, when all he really wants is a bit of peace and quiet to watch Euro 2012 on the box.

But just in case he does agree to be torn away to indulge in time with the family, a list of the top ten places to wheel him off to has been released.

The top two, respectively, are Wembley and Wimbledon, but given the expense, time required and the fact there will no action at either, they seem a little pointless.

So, why not try numbers three and nine on the UK-wide list: the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Calton Hill.

Alternatively, get mum to take you there and leave dad with the couch and remote to himself.