We’ve had a look through the pictures archives to bring you a dozen images of things people who grew up in Scotland’s capital city in the 80s and 90s will remember.
Let us know your own favourite memories of the growing in Auld Reekie in the comments section before you go.

. Watching the driver on the top deck
Before buses were all fitted with CCTV, the driver used a kind of periscope contraption with a curved mirror to check what was going on upstairs. Photo: Photo: Contributed

. St Andrew Square bus station
The bus station in Edinburgh in the 1990s looked a lot different than how it does today, in part thanks to the huge, concrete-clad office development that towered above it. Photo: Photo: Alistair Linford

. Brattisani’s
For many Edinburghers, no hard day’s swim at the Royal Commonwealth (Commie) Pool was complete without a hunger-nullifying detour to Brattisani’s on Newington Road - its memorable red seating booths were a trip back in time to the year it opened. Photo: Third Party

. Dinosaurs Alive! Exhibition
Here you can see a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex head being unloaded by workmen for the Dinosaurs Alive! Exhibition at the City Art Centre in Edinburgh, February 1990. Photo: Albert Jordan

1. Watching the driver on the top deck
Before buses were all fitted with CCTV, the driver used a kind of periscope contraption with a curved mirror to check what was going on upstairs. Photo: Photo: Contributed

2. St Andrew Square bus station
The bus station in Edinburgh in the 1990s looked a lot different than how it does today, in part thanks to the huge, concrete-clad office development that towered above it. Photo: Photo: Alistair Linford

3. Brattisani’s
For many Edinburghers, no hard day’s swim at the Royal Commonwealth (Commie) Pool was complete without a hunger-nullifying detour to Brattisani’s on Newington Road - its memorable red seating booths were a trip back in time to the year it opened. Photo: Third Party

4. Dinosaurs Alive! Exhibition
Here you can see a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex head being unloaded by workmen for the Dinosaurs Alive! Exhibition at the City Art Centre in Edinburgh, February 1990. Photo: Albert Jordan