Former Hibs target shuts door on Easter Road move

Killie boss ‘going nowhere’ despite early speculation

Early Hibs frontrunner Derek McInnes has committed himself to Kilmarnock until 2027, firmly ruling himself out of the running for the vacant manager’s job at Easter Road - and further strengthening the claim of in-house favourite David Gray. As revealed yesterday, Hibs had already turned their attention away from McInnes and St Mirren boss Stephen Robinson, with a desire to avoid compensation negotiations pushing them towards a short list of candidates free and ready to start work immediately.

Newly-appointed sporting director Malky Mackay, leading the hunt for Nick Montgomery’s replacement, is believed to be leaning towards an up-and-coming manager with an appetite for advancement. And he’s looking for leader who will motivate players and staff to give their all in pursuit of progress.

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McInnes was considered among the early favourites when Montgomery was axed, after just eight months in charge, last week. But Hibs made no direct contact with either Killie or their manager. And that avenue has been completely closed off now.

The Rugby Park outfit pointedly posted a social media update headlined: “Derek’s going nowhere.” And, in a club statement revealing the extended agreement, McInnes said:  “Kilmarnock is a fantastic place to work and I enjoy it every single day, I come bouncing into work with a smile on my face, everyone here is so supportive from the backroom staff up to the board.

“The reward from this season comes with the European games, which is our next proper game and we’ll look forward to that. The demand will change next season, so I’ll enjoy it just now because I know I’ll not get to enjoy it for too long!”

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Phyllis Carroll, Managing Director of Kilmarnock Football Club, added: “Derek’s commitment to the club provides the foundation and stability required to implement long-term plans that will positively impact our team standing and strengthen youth pathways, a perfect example of this is the introduction of David Watson to the first team who has since worn the captain’s armband.

“We also announced earlier this week that another five youth players have signed their first professional contracts – this is important for the club’s future. It’s important that we establish a long-term strategy for the club, to ensure that we continue to improve on and off the park. Derek is a vital part of our projected growth and with his guidance we believe, that in time, we’ll have built a much stronger Kilmarnock for our supporters and the next generation of Killie fans.”