Shaun Woodburn's sister's heartbreaking tribute as justice fight continues

Shaun WoodburnShaun Woodburn
Shaun Woodburn
THE SISTER of tragic footballer Shaun Woodburn has paid a heartbreaking tribute just days before prosecutors decide whether to appeal his killer's sentence.

Lauren Woodburn told the Daily Record how Shaun’s death had robbed her of her “best friend”.

Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition demanding justice for Shaun after his killer, a 17-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons, was given a four year jail term.

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The teen punched young dad Shaun who later died after suffering massive head injuries. The youth had earlier attacked random strangers who had been celebrating Hogmanay in Edinburgh last December 31.

Lauren said: “When they told us it was time to say goodbye I can remember lying cuddling Shaun and not letting go.

“My mum had to pull me off him. From the minute I arrived at the hospital I sat by the side of Shaun’s bed and didn’t want to leave him.”

She added: “Growing up me and Shaun were extremely close. From the minute I could walk, I would follow Shaun wherever he went.

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“When Shaun laughed I laughed, when Shaun cried I cried, he was the apple of my eye and he still is.”

She said: “Shaun was an amazing dad and also and amazing uncle as well. I have so many lovely memories of him with my little girls.

“He was so good with babies and children and they loved him. I always looked to him for approval and advice on everything.

“I looked up to Shaun and the loving, kind person he was, he was the biggest part of my growing up and I would not be the person I am today without him.”