Scroll through our picture gallery to see 17 businesses around the Capital that are sadly no longer around.
Let us know your memories of these much-missed Edinburgh institutions in the comments section before you go.

5. Grants
Back in the day, Grants furniture store in the High Street was the place to shop for your latest settee or side board. The store pictured was demolished in the 1970s and is now the site of a Radisson Blu hotel. Photo: Unknown

6. Whiplash Trash
For years it was an immensely popular hangout that bestowed upon Cockburn Street a decidedly goth-like edge. Whiplash Trash is remembered for its abundance of off-the-wall clothing, tattooing and piercing services and its selection of apparatus for the consumption of certain plant-based substances. Photo: Greg Macvean

7. Brattisani's
Legendary chippy Brattisani once had branches all over the city, with the most famous located at Morrison Street and Newington. Here, Charles Brattisani surveys his fish and chip restaurant in Haymarket for the last time in 2002. Photo: Colin Hattersley

8. Odeon cinema
Opening as the New Victoria on 25 August 1930, the same day Sean Connery was born, the Odeon cinema on Clerk Street has been much missed since its closure in 2003. Although it has lain vacant for almost 20 years, the art deco building thankfully still stands. Photo: Albert Jordan