Have a look at the 16 images in our photo gallery and see how many you can guess correctly. You will find all the answers in the final picture.
. Where in Edinburgh is this clock?
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: Jayne Emsley
. Old father time
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: MARSAILI McGRATH
. Leafy
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: Ian Georgeson
. Twelve sharp
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: Denis Straughan
. The pipes are calling...
Where in Edinburgh is this musical clock? Photo: Alan Ledgerwood
. Not a wind up
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: esme allen
. Encased
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: JON SAVAGE
. Major icon
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: Greg Macvean
1. Where in Edinburgh is this clock?
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: Jayne Emsley
2. Old father time
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: MARSAILI McGRATH
3. Leafy
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: Ian Georgeson
4. Twelve sharp
Where in Edinburgh is this clock? Photo: Denis Straughan