It’s thought that Scotland’s first ever pint may have been poured in the Capital, with the 12th century monks of Holyrood Abbey producing ale from the clear spring water that still flows from St Margaret’s Well today.
And it was the process of creating beer that in part led to Edinburgh’s ‘Auld Reekie’ nickname, due to the smoke produced by coal and wood burning furnaces and boilers.
By the start of the 20th century the city had a remarkable 35 breweries and was one of the most important centres of beer making in the UK.
These days there are fewer, with the best known surviving name being the Caledonian Brewery in Slateford.
But smaller breweries have started popping up in recent years creating boutique beers, from the Campervan Brewery in the north of the city to Barney’s Bee r in the south.
Back in the 1950s and 1960s the industry was thriving, as these 28 pictures show.
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. Giddy up
Horses used to pull carts filled with barrels at Edinburgh's Ushers Brewery in July 1961. Photo: Unknown

. Cheers
Soldiers from the 1st Battalion Royal Scots visit Murrays Breweries Craigmillar Edinburgh after a 140 mile 'show the flag' march through the Lothians and Peebleshire in June 1960. Photo: Unknown

. A quick jab
Influenza injections given to workers at Lorimer and Clarks Brewery, in Slateford Road, in October 1963. Photo: Unknown

. On the road
A William Younger Beer tanker leaves the Holyrood depot bound for a brewery fair in September 1958. Photo: Unknown

. Where there's smoke...
A fire at the Scottish Brewery Ltd in Holyrood Road in July 1962. Photo: Unknown

. Boxing clever
Boxers Angus Thomson and Eddie Philips at work in the Edinburgh Brewery in February 1960. Photo: Unknown

. Beer fountain
A fountain of water, brought from Union Canal for cooling, at Scottich Breweries' Fountain Brewery in October 1959. Photo: Unknown

1. Cheers
Soldiers from the 1st Battalion Royal Scots visit Murrays Breweries Craigmillar Edinburgh after a 140 mile 'show the flag' march through the Lothians and Peebleshire in June 1960. Photo: Unknown

2. A quick jab
Influenza injections given to workers at Lorimer and Clarks Brewery, in Slateford Road, in October 1963. Photo: Unknown

3. On the road
A William Younger Beer tanker leaves the Holyrood depot bound for a brewery fair in September 1958. Photo: Unknown

4. Where there's smoke...
A fire at the Scottish Brewery Ltd in Holyrood Road in July 1962. Photo: Unknown