For anyone who was living in Edinburgh during this time, a lot of the entries on this list will be very familiar.
Take a look through our gallery to see 12 things anyone who grew up in Auld Reekie during the 80s or 90s will remember.
And before you go, please let us know your own favourite memories of growing up in the city in the comments section.

1. 12 memories of Edinburgh from the 80s and 90s
Take a look through our gallery to see 12 things anyone who grew up in Edinburgh during the 80s or 90s will remember. Photo: Third Party

2. Wester Hailes demolition
Children can be seen here watching the old Westburn blocks of flats being torn down at Wester Hailes, Edinburgh. This picture was taken in January, 1993. Photo: Colin McPherson

3. Palace Hotel blaze
In june 1991, a terrible fire at the Palace Hotel resulted in a prominent corner of Edinburgh city centre being torn down. The building on the corner of Princes Street and Castle Street was replaced in 1995 by a new office and retail block. Photo: Calum McKenzie

4. St Andrew Square bus station
The bus station in Edinburgh in the 1990s looked a lot different than how it does today, in part thanks to the huge, concrete-clad office development that towered above it. Photo: Photo: Alistair Linford