New for 2025, The Complete University Guide’s league tables rank the best universities in the UK, overall and in 74 subject areas.
We’ve looked at the data and put togehter a list of Scotland’s 14 universities. The league tables can help students make informed decisions over which university to attend, based on a number of factors – including entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more.
Scroll through our picture gallery to see how Scotland's 14 universities comapre according to the Complete University Guide’s league table for 2025.

13. Abertay University (Dundee)
Scotland rank: 13. UK rank: 99. Overall score: 57%. Entry standards: 75%. Student satisfaction: 81%. Research quality: 67%. Graduate prospects: 75%. Photo: Third Party

14. University of the West of Scotland (Paisley)
Scotland rank: 14. UK rank: 128. Overall score: 42%. Entry standards: 66%. Student satisfaction: 77%. Research quality: 62%. Graduate prospects: 71%. Photo: Third Party