We’ve had a dig through the Evening News photo archives to share some incredible images that perfectly capture Edinburgh life in the 2000s.
Scroll through our gallery and soak up the nostalgia as we transport you back to Edinburgh in the 2000s – and let us know your own memories in the comments section before you go.

5. Foot of the Walk
This is what the foot of Leith Walk looked like on 29 June 2000, prior to its £4m facelift of the Newkirkgate shopping centre. Photo: Pamela Grigg

6. Andy Warhol exhibition
The famous columns of the National Gallery of Scotland were wrapped with images of Campbell’s soup cans to mark the upcoming Andy Warhol exhibition, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the artist’s death, on 31 July 2007. Photo: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

7. Fur protesters
The People Against Fur Trade group took to the east end of Princes Street for a protest march on 18 January 2000. Photo: Phil Wilkinson

8. The trams
Workmen can be seen here continuing to work on the Edinburgh tram project on Princes Street, on 30 September 2009. Photo: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images