Many will know he was once a milkman for St Cuthbert’s Co-operative Society in Fountainbridge, but the future 007 turned his hand to around a dozen other jobs before pursuing a full-time acting career.
Take a look through our photo gallery to see 11 jobs screen icon Connery had before he was famous.

. Stage actor
Having settled on acting, Sean Connery appeared in The Seashell at the King's Theatre in Edinburgh in 1959. Within three years he was famous around the world as James Bond. Photo: Unknown

. Labourer
Connery had a stint as a tradesman before pursuing his acting dream and learned how to be a brick layer. Photo: Unknown

. Lifeguard
A young Connery was employed in the 1950s as a lifeguard at Portobello's open-air pool and became very popular with the local ladies on account of his good looks and ripped physique. Photo: Unknown

. Life model
This painting by Alastair Fairweather shows Sean Connery as a life model. Sean earned some extra cash at Edinburgh's art college and was painted by a young Richard Demarco among other notable names. Photo: julie bull

5. Milkman
Sean famously delivered milk for St Cuthbert's Co-operative and was based at the horses' stables in Grove Street in Fountainbridge near his family home. If half of the people claiming to have been delivered milk by the future star are to be believed, then Connery's round would have been the biggest on the planet! Photo: Bill Stout

6. Bouncer
Hired for his burly physique, Connery worked for a spell as a doorman at the Palais de Danse ballroom in Fountainbridge. It's said he adopted a no-nonsense approach and regularly had run-ins with the notorious Valdor Gang of Tollcross. Photo: RF

7. Bodybuilder
A member of the Dunedin Amateur Weightlifting Club in Edinburgh, Connery took a keen interest building and even competed at the Mr Universe competition in London. Photo: Contributed

8. Anti-aircraft gunner
Shortly after leaving school, Connery joined the Royal Navy and trained in Portsmouth to be an anti-aircraft gunner. He was discharged on medical grounds due to a duodenal ulcer. Photo: Contributed