From moaning about the seemingly endless tram works to rocking up to the Meadows for a picnic on a sunny day, here are some of the things that have come to characterise Edinburgh life for many locals.
Just for fun, have a scroll through our picture gallery to see some things we reckon every true Edinburgher will have done at least once in their lives.

1. 12 things every true Edinburgher will have probably done
Scroll through our photo gallery to see 12 things every true Edinburgher will have probably done at least once. Photo: Pixabay Photo: Pixabay

2. Complain about the number of tourists during the Fringe
Every August, when the Fringe and Tattoo are in full swing, Edinburgh's streets are literally teaming with tourists, and locals can often be heard complaining about how they can't get moving for them, especially in the Old Town around the Royal Mile. Photo: Third Party

3. Pledged allegiance to either Hibs or Hearts
Edinburgh's two top-flight football teams have been rivals since for over 100 years, and many people in the Capital support one or the other. Of course, if you want to be neutral, you can always claim to be a supporter of Edinburgh City or even Spartans. Photo: Third Party

4. Moaned about the trams
It went hundreds of millions of pounds over budget, caused massive disruption, opened five years late and made Edinburgh the butt of countless jokes. The Capital’s tramline – up and running since 2014 –is still a sore subject amongst the natives. And it's not even completed yet. Photo: Third Party